Space for the right decision
The showroom of the Hagemeister clinker brick factory in the German town of Nottuln presents complete façade and paving creations in a display covering more than 500 square metres. It provides architects, planners and building owners with a striking demonstration of the different types of bricks and configurations available and their interplay with the overall façade aesthetics. The showroom offers a comprehensive overview of all elements directly combined, namely clinker bricks, window and door profiles, joint colours, sheet metal elements and roof tiles.
Our clinker brick experts are available to provide personal advice on all matters concerning the exterior appearance of your desired construction to provide you with optimum support when making your overall decisions.
Our showroom is not only an active decision-making tool but also a venue for inspirational professional exchanges of ideas and experiences at architectural events, the starting point for factory visits and a space for art exhibitions.
We are pleased to offer you the option of booking a clinker brick consultation at our showroom, provided that the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic allows for such meetings.
Our current approach to the pandemic is based on the principle of “hands, face, space”, namely distancing, hygiene and wearing a mask.
Opening hours
You can use our online booking tool to arrange a clinker brick consultation during the following opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm (no consultations or sales)
On the following public holidays our showroom is closed:
Karfreitag 29.03.2024
Ostern 30.- 01.04.2024
Tag der Arbeit 01.05.2024
Christi Himmelfahrt 09.05.2024
Pfingsten 19.-20.05.2024
Fronleichnam 30.05.2024
Tag der Deutschen Einheit 03.10.2024
Allerheiligen 01.11.2024
Allerheiligen-Samstag 02.11.2024
Weihnachts-Samstag 21.12.2024
Weihnachts-Sonntag 22.12.2024
Weihnachten 24.- 26.12.2024
Silvester-Wochenende 28.und 29.12.2024
Silvester 31.12.2024
Neujahr 01.01.2025
You can also contact us via telephone at +49 2502 8040 or by sending an e-mail to info(at) – we’re happy to help!
We look forward to welcoming you to our showroom soon!